
So I just read in Psychology Today that people can basically get PMS from having too many orgasms. Something about how the all the overwhelming dopamine excreted during an orgasm throws off your whole happy feelings equilibrium for up to two weeks! Now all I can think about is my past relationships and how multiple orgasms made them disintegrate. "Hmm...well we had sex a lot for that whole month. And since he couldn't make me cum that often, he must have just been pissed off and wanted his old girlfriend back." It also said that overindulgent cum sessions can lead to neediness. "Well he and I were having sex pretty often, and he would not give up until I came (which was awesome). And the neediness levels between the two of us were off the charts so that Had to lead to that relationship's demise." I'm basically going to spend the rest of the night thinking up all the reasons why ORGASMs, the solid foundation of every relationship, is actually the cause of being "single". Now I'm just going to assume that all the successful relationships lie within impotent men and the women who were cursed with not being able to climax.

PS here's the link if you don't believe me. read it at your own risk...http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/cupids-poisoned-arrow/200908/orgasm-s-hidden-cycle

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