
Adults are kids with expensive toys and lavish candy; waterguns with bullets and tonka trucks with six cylinder engines. Adults cry over trivial bullshit like bratty toddlers whine when they don’t get the Happy Meal toy they wanted. Adults think once they’ve reached a certain age, they earn a designated amount of wisdom...trite wisdom they can aimlessly throw about to feel canny, or any time their children’s undeveloped minds emit any levelheaded contradiction to what their parents taught them.

Grown ups always have bigger, newer crises, or fads, they need to deal with--problems that society shoves down their throats and forces them to obsess over. Adults have an irrepressible need to grip every last penny they got with each aching muscle in their hands, their eyes glowing green at the thought of what they can squander it on next. They need to sip on their coffee and exclaim over the war going on miles and miles away from their comfy office chairs. They pick a prescribed political view as black and white as the newspapers feeding them these opinions.

And while adults glue their eyes to their plasma screens and Macbook screens and Blackberry screens, they leave behind a totally different world. A slippery, fickle world where it’s inhabitants are left to run blindly toward their future, unconsciously growing more warped than generations before them. They leave behind our callow world, where we are left to our own crises and devices...

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